Measure and Manage the Impact of your Edible City Initiative

Measure and Manage the Impact of your Edible City Initiative


Online-Workshop: 19 October 2022, 14:00 – 15:50 pm, Zoom

Measuring and managing impact is a fundamental part of running a sustainable urban food initiative,no matter what type of service or product you are offering . But how to get started with the seemingly daunting task of impact measurement and management? Join the Edible Cities Network in this expert workshop to learn more. 

Is our urban food initiative creating measurable value for our target groups? What impact are we creating for society, economy and the environment? And how can we substantially improve positive effects over time? With a sound impact management system in place, your initiative will ultimately be able to gain insights into these and other questions. In the long term, it will provide you with a multitude of benefits – from resource savings to more key stakeholders involved in your initiative and better management of your social, environmental and economic value, just to name a few. 

In this workshop, we will provide you with an introduction to the fundamentals of impact measurement and management in the context of urban agriculture. You will get the opportunity to understand how to define key impacts, how to design a theory of change for your initiative and how to determine feasible indicators. 

At the end of the workshop, you will have:

  • developed an understanding of impact orientation, impact management frameworks, their importance as well as practical implementation
  • designed a theory of change and suitable first indicators for your urban agriculture initiative
  • determined necessary next steps to continue your impact management efforts to drive organisational change and create more impact

Who should join?

The workshop is designed for anyone involved in an urban agriculture initiative, project or business and looking to learn more about the principles of impact measurement and management to develop practices suitable to their initiative.

About the Edible Cities Network

The Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet) is an EU-funded project designing and implementing urban food innovations and sustainable urban planning for greener, more edible and, above all, more liveable cities. The workshop is offered as part of the EdiCitNet marketplace, a global platform which provides collaborative networking and expert and consultancy services for Edible City initiatives and entrepreneurs across the world.


Registration to the event is free of charge. Please sign up here.

Measure and Manage the Impact of your Edible City Initiative

Measure and Manage the Impact of your Edible City Initiative


Online-Workshop: 19 October 2022, 14:00 – 15:50 pm, Zoom

Measuring and managing impact is a fundamental part of running a sustainable urban food initiative,no matter what type of service or product you are offering . But how to get started with the seemingly daunting task of impact measurement and management? Join the Edible Cities Network in this expert workshop to learn more. 

Is our urban food initiative creating measurable value for our target groups? What impact are we creating for society, economy and the environment? And how can we substantially improve positive effects over time? With a sound impact management system in place, your initiative will ultimately be able to gain insights into these and other questions. In the long term, it will provide you with a multitude of benefits – from resource savings to more key stakeholders involved in your initiative and better management of your social, environmental and economic value, just to name a few. 

In this workshop, we will provide you with an introduction to the fundamentals of impact measurement and management in the context of urban agriculture. You will get the opportunity to understand how to define key impacts, how to design a theory of change for your initiative and how to determine feasible indicators. 

At the end of the workshop, you will have:

  • developed an understanding of impact orientation, impact management frameworks, their importance as well as practical implementation
  • designed a theory of change and suitable first indicators for your urban agriculture initiative
  • determined necessary next steps to continue your impact management efforts to drive organisational change and create more impact

Who should join?

The workshop is designed for anyone involved in an urban agriculture initiative, project or business and looking to learn more about the principles of impact measurement and management to develop practices suitable to their initiative.

About the Edible Cities Network

The Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet) is an EU-funded project designing and implementing urban food innovations and sustainable urban planning for greener, more edible and, above all, more liveable cities. The workshop is offered as part of the EdiCitNet marketplace, a global platform which provides collaborative networking and expert and consultancy services for Edible City initiatives and entrepreneurs across the world.


Registration to the event is free of charge. Please sign up here.

Measure and Manage the Impact of your Edible City Initiative

Measure and Manage the Impact of your Edible City Initiative


Online-Workshop: 19 October 2022, 14:00 – 15:50 pm, Zoom

Measuring and managing impact is a fundamental part of running a sustainable urban food initiative,no matter what type of service or product you are offering . But how to get started with the seemingly daunting task of impact measurement and management? Join the Edible Cities Network in this expert workshop to learn more. 

Is our urban food initiative creating measurable value for our target groups? What impact are we creating for society, economy and the environment? And how can we substantially improve positive effects over time? With a sound impact management system in place, your initiative will ultimately be able to gain insights into these and other questions. In the long term, it will provide you with a multitude of benefits – from resource savings to more key stakeholders involved in your initiative and better management of your social, environmental and economic value, just to name a few. 

In this workshop, we will provide you with an introduction to the fundamentals of impact measurement and management in the context of urban agriculture. You will get the opportunity to understand how to define key impacts, how to design a theory of change for your initiative and how to determine feasible indicators. 

At the end of the workshop, you will have:

  • developed an understanding of impact orientation, impact management frameworks, their importance as well as practical implementation
  • designed a theory of change and suitable first indicators for your urban agriculture initiative
  • determined necessary next steps to continue your impact management efforts to drive organisational change and create more impact

Who should join?

The workshop is designed for anyone involved in an urban agriculture initiative, project or business and looking to learn more about the principles of impact measurement and management to develop practices suitable to their initiative.

About the Edible Cities Network

The Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet) is an EU-funded project designing and implementing urban food innovations and sustainable urban planning for greener, more edible and, above all, more liveable cities. The workshop is offered as part of the EdiCitNet marketplace, a global platform which provides collaborative networking and expert and consultancy services for Edible City initiatives and entrepreneurs across the world.


Registration to the event is free of charge. Please sign up here.

Die besten Plätze in der essbaren Stadt: Welche Fläche passt zu meinem Konzept?

Die besten Plätze in der essbaren Stadt: Welche Fläche passt zu meinem Konzept?


Online-Workshop: 11. Mai 2022, 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr, Zoom

Immer mehr Menschen produzieren, verkaufen und verteilen Nahrung in der Stadt und stärken somit den sozialen Zusammenhalt sowie lokale Ökosysteme. In vielen Städten weltweit wurden bereits Konzepte der “essbaren Stadt” erfolgreich umgesetzt. In einem Workshop möchten wir uns nun einer der wichtigsten Herausforderungen aus diesem Bereich widmen: Dem Thema der Flächen. 


15:00 Uhr: Begrüßung 

15:15 Uhr: Wichtiges zum Thema urbane/nutzbare Dächer (Felix Mollenhauer, BuGG)

15:30 Uhr: Informationen zu Stadtgärten und anderen urbanen Flächen (Anneli Sofia Karlsson, Stadt Andernach)

15:45 Uhr: Interaktive Breakout-Sessions (Miro, inklusive Experte zu Fragen zum Thema Wasser von Nolde & Partner)

16:15 Uhr: Fazit und Ausblick

16:30 Uhr: Ende der Veranstaltung

Die kostenfreie Registrierung kann hier vorgenommen werden. Für Rückfragen kann Frau Palak Gupta kontaktiert werden.



Als grobe Orientierung dient hier die sogenannte Wertschöpfungskette, die Start-ups aus dem Bereich Essbare Stadt Lösungen (Edible City Solutions, ECS) strukturiert. Was ECS sind ist hier ersichtlich- ein kleines Unternehmen, das aus Kaffeesatz Pilze züchtet ist dabei genauso ein ECS wie ein KMU das nachhaltige Verpackungen herstellt oder alternative Transportmittel nutzt um die “Biokiste” zum Kunden bringt. Dabei folgen ECS den Grundsätze: Nachhaltigkeit, Biodiversität, Geschlossene Kreisläufe, Regionalität und lokale Netzwerke, Wohlergehen für Mensch und Tier. Auch Bildung und Befähigung zur Selbstversorgung, das Anbieten von Schnittkursen beispielsweise gehören dazu. Das Konzept soll nicht einengend sein, es soll den start-ups aber auch den KMU ermöglichen eine ECS zu werden selbst wenn sie derzeit keine sind. Natürlich bewegen wir uns trotzdem im Bereich von Ernährung und haben damit aber auch ein breites Themenfeld, das uns alle angeht.

Workshops – Oslo: Finding Sustainable Economic Models in Urban Agriculture

Workshops – Oslo: Finding Sustainable Economic Models in Urban Agriculture


Workshop Series – Oslo: Finding Sustainable Economic Models in Urban Agriculture

As part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 EdiCitNet project, Nabolagshager, in collaboration with the Municipality of Oslo: Agency for Urban Environment (Bymiljøetaten), are proud to offer a series of three, free workshops to help you further develop your financial sustainability model for your urban food production business.

These interactive workshops, developed and implemented by leaders in the field from across Europe, will provide you with tools, resources, and networking that we are confident will strengthen your organisation or project. Through both digital and in-person workshops, held at Linderud Gård in Oslo, we will provide professional training on relevant topics to successfully
grow and improve your business.

These workshops are organized by Nabolagshager and the Municipality of Oslo: Agency for Urban Environment (Bymiljøetaten), in collaboration with EdiCitNet partners. The EdiCitNet project is funded by the EU under grant agreement number 776665.

These workshops take place over the course of 3 days from September to November 2021.
– Workshop 1 – Identifying and communicating your value. Date: 30th of September (from 16:30 to 19.00). Location: Linderud gård in Oslo.
– Workshop 2 – Enhancing customer relations and strategic partnerships. Date: 21st of October (from 16:30 to 19.00). Location: Linderud gård in Oslo.
– Workshop 3 – Focusing activities and resources for financial sustainability. Date: 11th of November (from 16:30 to 19.00). Location: Linderud gård in Oslo.

Workshop 1 – Identifying and communicating your value

Urban food production is essential in the transition to more sustainable cities. However, a huge obstacle for producers is convincing customers of the value of their work and products. This workshop will focus on identifying and communicating that value. Specifically, we will look at how your work fits into the larger progress happening within the food system in Oslo, how you
can align your own personal values and goals with those of your project, and how to communicate this value to the external world. The concept of value is the most important starting point in developing a strong case for economic sustainability, as value can be transferred into other resources you need, both financial and social.

Download detailed description and agenda.


Workshop 2 – Enhancing customer relations and strategic partnerships

We know that we cannot change the food system alone. As such, our second workshop will focus on how you can utilise the value of your organisaiton to better connect with customers and form partnerships. We will look at how to find new customers, better connect with customers via social media, and how to create mutually beneficial partnerships – both private and public. It is important to recognise the benefits we can all produce and receive when we work better collaboratively.

Date: 21st of October
Time: 16.30 – 19.00.
Location: Linderud gård, Trondheimsveien 319, 0593 Oslo
Language: English and Norwegian.
Food will be served during the workshop

Download detailed description and agenda.

Workshop 3 – Focusing activities and resources for financial sustainability

How you spend your limited time matters. In this final workshop we will look at how to best utilise your time and resources to move towards better financial sustainability. We will work through some of the challenges of determining how you should price your goods and services in relation to the time needed to produce them, how to take advantage of public funding schemes to obtain capital, and the basics of financial models and accounting for your initiative. While this workshop might sound the scariest, we promise to keep it approachable, and are certain that afterwards you will better be able to steer your project towards financial sustainability.

Date: 11th of November
Time: 16.30 – 19.00.
Location: Linderud gård, Trondheimsveien 319, 0593 Oslo
Language: English and Norwegian.
Food will be served during the workshop.

Download detailed description and agenda.

Participation & Registration

We aim at providing an environment that is highly interactive with sessions of knowledge transfer and reflective activities in a workshop setting. In this way, we aim to engage our participants to freely interrogate, untangle, adjust, nuance, and re-imagine the issues around successful business models. We are convinced that the workshops will be an excellent occasion for sharing, learning and discussing urban agriculture business models.

If you would like to take part in the workshops, please fill out the form here.

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Martinez at

We look forward to meeting you soon!!!
