Slow Food e.V.

Slow Food e.V.

Slow Food promotes a sustainable global food system and culture based on responsibility and respect towards the environment, the farmers and animals involved in this system as well as on the importance of enjoying good and tasty food. The basic prerequisite for this approach is to preserve the bio-cultural and taste diversity and to acknowledge the value of food as a “means to life”.

We are committed to upholding small-scale agriculture and artisanal fishing practices as well as food production chains that are in harmony with our ecosystems, animal welfare, the revival of rural areas, and our cultural traditions. To achieve this goal, Slow Food provides nutritional and taste education for children, youths and adults, as well as training programs for young professionals in gastronomy, agriculture, and the food sector. We connect artisanal food producers with conscious consumers, the so-called co-producers.

Slow Food Deutschland e. V. (Germany) was founded in 1992 – as the first national association outside Italy. At the beginning of 2019, it counted over 14,000 members in 85 local groups. The office of the national organization is located in Berlin.

Role of Slow Food Deutschland within EdiCitNet project:

Current environmental and climatic challenges make it crucial to work on a more sustainable food system on all levels and in all areas. It is more necessary than ever to find sustainable and local ways of growing and sourcing food in the growing urban centers, which is why Slow Food supports the initiative of edible cities. One of our local groups collaborates on one of these projects in the city of Andernach. Slow Food Deutschland would like to use this and other contexts, such as our educational work and our formats for raising awareness for more sustainable production and consumption patterns, to jointly make the idea of edible cities more known. Within the framework of edible cities, we would like to connect actors working in the field from different networks.

Further points of action are:

  • Slow Food educational programs for children and teenagers about food, soil, the climate and the global aspects of food production. Our current projects such as the Slow Food Youth Akademie and Edible Connections are listed here: These projects also come with learning aids to be distributed. Our communication channels are used to amplify the importance of these important topics.
  • In Andernach: Slow Food Garden in Andernach – raised flowerbeds with permaculture
  • The International Ark of Taste project and other Slow Food projects dedicated to safeguarding biodiversity:

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Spreeacker was called into life in 2011 by the Spreefeld Cooperative, as a collection of gardening, education and cultural initiatives. The goal was inviting the neighborhood and the larger community to discover, explore and activate the open spaces next to the River Spree, surrounding the construction site that would become the Spreefeld Neighborhood. The Spreeacker non-profit association emerged out of this, and has gone on to develop and manage a number of community gardens at this location. This garden work is meant to be enjoyed as well as to be educational, for all involved and the wider public. ; The first plots with native fruit trees have long since been planted. A model project for edible landscapes – a Food Forest – has been initiated in public space: in cooperation with the Spreefeld Cooperative and the District of Berlin-Mitte. The Food Forest brings together practices of permaculture and edible landscaping with nature’s way of developing forests. More than 80 different plants in this garden are edible and/or productive: everything from the leaves of small herbs or fruits and nuts produced by trees and bushes. This Urban Food Forest is growing with the support of the surrounding community. Spreeacker aspires to a wide range of external collaborations and partnerships with experts, students, neighbors, activists and interested persons.

Spreeacker is committed to developing and demonstrating the practice of edible and productive landscapes in urban, public spaces. Spreeacker understands itself as part of a larger movement actively working to stay ahead of the emerging food and climate crises.

The practice of developing and demonstrating edible and productive landscapes in urban, public spaces, in cooperation with private and public partners, neighbors, experts, students and activists. ; Educational work regarding tours, visits, workshops and discussions with a wide range of groups. Currently working on a new project, KollektivesLernen, with Marco Clausen. ;; Contacts with permaculture experts, community garden activists and other food experts.

Some of their achievements are the development and start of the Food Forest, Waldgarten, in the Wilhelmine Gemberg Weg; managing community gardens with refugees and immigrants and bringing food growing into the public spaces of our neighborhood, including raised beds into the street space.

A crucial turning point for them was signing the use-agreement with the local government to be able to develop the Food Forest on land owned by the government. In the future we expect to be producing a good amount of food, especially fruits and berries and nuts.; for now, our main service is educational.

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Berlin Food Policy Council

Berlin Food Policy Council

The Food Policy Council of Berlin is a broad coalition of citizens that share the vision to transform the food system of Berlin and its surrounding countryside to become more sustainable, just and democratic. As a platform it encompasses members from all sectors of the food system, e.g. consumers, farmers, urban gardeners, food sharing activists, small and medium enterprises in food processing, restaurants, cafés, scientists, representatives of associations and NGOs, teachers etc. The Food Policy Council considers itself as an advocate and mouthpiece for civil society positions and demands.



Postdamer Straße 105
10785 Berlin

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Network Community Gardens Berlin

Network Community Gardens Berlin

The Network Community Gardens Berlin is a self-organized activist organization, who supports the creation, protection and networking of community gardens in Berlin. It participates in political and strategic discourses concerning urban development in Berlin, especially green space, urban agriculture and environmental justice.

In the last years more and more community gardens in Berlin are at risk because of construction projects.

Until now there is no clear framework or urban concept to support and protect the gardens in the city. The Network Community Gardens Berlin wants to change this and aims for long term recognition and protection for these socially and environmentally important spaces. Therefor the network collaborates with activists from other local, national, European and international urban gardening networks as well as with activists from allotment garden organizations in Berlin.

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Kindertagesstätte Löwenzahn

Kindertagesstätte Löwenzahn

The municipal daycare center „Löwenzahn“ provides all day care for 110 children aged between one and six years. The pedagogical concept is based on the work of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Maria Montessori und Jean Piaget, who focus on the child as an independent person.

We assume that the child experiences its environment in action and that its own actions make it satisfied. Children learn holistically and for this reason education and training areas are closely linked in our institution and are designed to be interrelated and interdependent in order to make it possible for the children to experience meaningful action contexts.

The stay in nature enables children to develop different sensory, motor and cognitive abilities. We would therefore like to offer our children a variety of experiences in nature. In addition to designing our own garden and taking regular trips into the forest, we also enjoy the opportunities offered by the edible city. Our children demonstrate manual skill in the construction of flower beds, they observe plant development, taste the different varieties and experience self-efficacy through the cultivation of their own food. We support the festivals of the edible city and are involved in the EdiCitNet project as participants of the living lab and organizers in the city team.

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