

AnkerBuch is located in the heart of the “Essbaren Stadt Andernach”. The company has been pursuing a holistic digital strategy since 2016. A core element of this strategy is AnkerBuch-Verlag, with a focus on regionality, sustainability and biodiversity.

In autumn 2019 the book project “Moss and the bee tendrils” was started. The author Stefan Gemmel and eight teenagers from the Kurfürst-Salentin-Gymnasium Andernach wanted to write a book together. The idea was developed by Stefan Gemmel and Ralf Anker to bring children and young people closer to the joy of reading and writing. In cooperation with the head of the Real-Labor in Andernach, only the basic idea, that it should be history about wild bee protection, was developed.

AnkerBuch has always tried to orient itself thematically in its range of products to the theme “Edible City” and is also part of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (The German Publishers & Booksellers Association).

The highlights of this project were the enthusiasm of the young people for the topic “book” and their commitment to the protection of wild bees.     Carried by the energy and enthusiasm of the young people, the project got off to a furious start. But then two events brought the project to a standstill. The corona pandemic and the loss of the head of the Real Laboratory in Andernach, however, the joint efforts of author, publisher and accompanying teacher ultimately made it possible for the book of Stefan Gemmel „Moos und die Bienenranger“ to be published in autumn 2020.

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REACT Association la Recherche en Action

REACT Association la Recherche en Action

REACT is a sustainable development association with an expertise in the fields of Water management and the integration of non-conventional water (rainwater, wastewater) for optimal use of water resources in arid environment and to achieve zero discharge.  The treatment of non-conventional water by nature-based systems (CW) to be in accordance with planned use, health requirements and the reuse of the related nutriments.

Protection of biodiversity while developing and integrating endemic plants into both ecological and production systems.  Governance and institutional aspects related to water and health and support to decision-makers and main actors. Moderation, dissemination and awareness-raising among different target groups including young people.

Some of our best practice examples are:

  • Contribution for the identification of suitable plants for an installed community garden (Project JaCoTuCo Tunis/Cologne).
  • Creation of micro-reserve for the conservation of Jerba’s heritage species (CEPF project, Jerba).
  • Elaboration of a charter for the conservation of a strict endemic species / development of Garrat Sajnane (CEPF Project, Save Plants).
  • Assistance to decision-makers concerning water governance / water code and national health policy (water governance project and social health dialogue).
  • Awareness and training of young people in the creation of terrariums.
  • Raising awareness among young people on water management by developing interesting collective games with the collaboration of the City of Science of Tunis (Water Governance Project).
  • Awareness-raising among decision-makers and the local population on the conservation value of Garaat Sejnene plants (IUCN-Med project).

Our main role in the project is  to support the Follower City Carthage with the integration of ECS into urban master plans and the ECS development adapted to specific climatic, social and cultural contexts.  This implies the integration of sustainable components on ECS linked to water and biodiversity,  co-creation and exchange meetings with main actors as well as the implementation of the Carthage city team, including the awareness-rising, capacity building, dissemination and the sustainability of EdiCitNet achievements.

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Baufachfrau Berlin e.V.

Baufachfrau Berlin e.V.

BAUFACHFRAU Berlin e.V. is an association working in the field of Education for Sustainable Development. We qualify in themes like Green City, Sustainable Building and Zero Waste strategies. Our work includes the theme of edible cities as well in our participation projects with neighbourhoods, where we built and work with different people.

In our work in the context of sustainability we include and promote the theme of Edible Cities, because we estimate it as important as well as integral relevant for changing cities to liveable places for their inhabitants.

We promote ECS in our work theoretically as well as implement realization of small activities towards ECS in Berlin in our practical participation projects.

Some of the networks we have been involved with are the RENN network, which links stakeholders from all areas of society to make sustainable development everyday practice at regional level  ( and the Deutsche UNESCO Kommission / Education for Sustainable Development (

Our main service includes Promotion of ECS-Goals by work-based-learning-qualifications in the theme of “Green Cities” as well as participation projects in the neighbourhood within the themes of urban gardening and ECS.

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Grüne Liga Berlin

Grüne Liga Berlin

GRÜNE LIGA Berlin is an NGO comprehensively supporting environmental protection and sustainable social development. GRÜNE LIGA Berlin’s specialization and focus are directed at environmental education and counseling, education promoting sustainability and supporting urban gardening.

The Berlin Landesverband (state association) is a member of GRÜNE LIGA Germany, a network for eco-friendly movements and an environmental association active on a national level, which is historically rooted in the environmental and peace movements of the GDR. The network’s objective is to provide support as well as specialized coordination for independent environmental groups and initiatives.

Actually GRÜNE LIGA Berlin conducts the project “Integrierte urbane Gärten – Schul- und Nachbarschaftsgärten in Marzahn-Hellersdorf” in the district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The project is supporting school and community gardens by building up garden infrastructure for the various projects as well as conducting regularly workshops for for the urban gardeners.



Prenzlauer Allee 8
10405 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

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Get To Know The EdiCitNet Consulting Team

EdiCitNet Consulting Services

Are you involved in an Edible City initiative and looking for FREE consulting services to further develop the financial sustainability model for your organization? You have come to the right place!

Food production in urban areas is a major step towards more sustainable, liveable and healthy cities. However, it is not easy to survive or grow as an Edible City initiative under immense cost pressure in the urban setting and the limited access to land. That is why the EdiCitNet consulting team provides effective consultancy services to initiatives, NGOs, small businesses and other organizations that create solutions for urban food systems all across the globe. We can help you and your team to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for economic, environmental and social success, and equip you with tools, resources and networking to explore solutions and address the needs of your organization.

Our main consulting services:

We offer a range of professional consulting services with a focus on sustainable development models and marketing and promotional strategies: 

  • Strategy consulting to help organizations to create plans for improving their performance and meet their defined goals. 
  • Business and financial consulting to help organizations to improve their financial strategies and create more efficient procedures to achieve economic sustainability.
  • Marketing consulting to help organizations to develop their strategies to improve branding and better reach consumers.
  • Brand consulting to help organizations to discover new ways for presenting and communicating the value of their work and activities to the public in the most appealing and advantageous manner possible.

We can also provide consulting services with in the following focus areas:

  • Sustainable water and wastewater management in urban areas
  • Green roof, façade greening and interior greening design and technology
  • Urban ecology, regenerative agriculture, cultivation climate-smart solutions and community engagement.


Through a series of online and in-person tailor-made workshops, webinars and brokerage events that help organizations to improve their sustainable development models, marketing and promotional strategies. These workshops and events, developed and implemented by leaders in the field from across Europe, provide participants with the necessary tools, resources, and networking to strengthen your organization, project or initiative. Do you want to know more about these workshops? Click here.

Visit also our FAQ page to find answers to your questions about how to plan and run a successful organization. We gather the answers from experts and condense some of the most asked questions on this page. If you don’t find the answers to your questions, be sure to contact us.

Get to know the EdiCitNet consulting team:

Main members of the EdiCitNet Consulting team are experts from Humboldt University of Berlin, the Norwegian SME Nabolagshager, the Borderstep Institute in Berlin and Wageningen University. The team is supported by other experts from several SMEs and NGOs across Europe. 

 Laura Martinez Izquierdo

Laura Martinez Izquierdo

Director of Research at Nabolagshager AS

Stephanie Ligan

Stephanie Ligan

EdiCitNet project staff at Humboldt University Berlin

Alexandra Widrat

Alexandra Widrat

Researcher at Borderstep Institute

Adam Curtis

Adam Curtis

CEO at Nabolagshager AS

Other experts in the Consulting Team:

  • Erwin Nolde, General Manager at Nolde & Partner
  • Niclas Dehmel, Engineer at Nolde & Partner
  • Kai Gildhorn, founder of Mundraub 
  • Felix Mollenhauer, expert in Green Roofs and Green Facades at BuGG (German Association of Building Greening).
  • Robert Shaw, Co-founder of Berlin’s best-known community garden Prinzessinnengärten
  • Helene Gallis, Director of Partnerships and Innovation at Nabolagshager AS
  • Dr. Emiel Wubben, Associate Professor Strategic Management at Wageningen University
  • Dr. Geoffrey Hagelaar, Assistant Professor, Business Management & Organization at Wageningen University

