

Twice as much carbon is stored in soils as in the atmosphere and three times as much as in terrestrial vegetation. However, 75% of them are degraded worldwide through erosion, salinization, overexploitation or desiccation and are increasingly losing their storage capacity for CO2. The CO2 escapes and then circulates permanently in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas.

This process can be reversed using regenerative methods so that soils regain their natural function and absorb the released CO2 again.

The aim of Kompostino is to convert urban green spaces into CO2 storage. We create green habitats in which natural diversity can develop. Our focus is on restoring living soils, in which microorganisms are spreading. Soils receive vitality – the requirement for biodiversity, water storage, CO2 binding and healthy food.

Companies, builders, property owners work with us to build up sustainable CO2 storage, water reservoirs, and biodiversity by building humus. 




Germany, 12105 Berlin, Marienhöher Weg 42

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Aponix vertical barrel provides an alternative shape (one or multiple barrels) for setting up hydro grow spaces in 3D to rack systems. It is based on lego pieces that allow to configure vertical space and shape for edible plant production and POS presentation of living plants.

Aponix vertical barrel / 3D-NFT is a novel vertical soilless growing system based on robust, simple lego like parts to set up vertical grow spaces in 3D without using racks. It is basically a translation from pro horticulture equipment from scaled production redesigned for the urban farm.

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Edible School Hellersdorf

Edible School Hellersdorf

We are the “Edible School” from Hellersdorf, a district in Berlin. The Edible School is a model project for holistic nutrition strategies in schools that integrates practical and theoretical educational offerings on the topic of balanced, healthy and sustainable nutrition into the classroom and everyday school life. The topics of nutrition and education are thought together at Caspar-David-Friedrich-Schule. Examples of this are: AGs, project days, student club work, events, planting the garden, and cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. The centerpiece is the school garden, which has been growing on the school grounds since 2014 and produces fresh food year-round. ; ; With the project “Networked Nutrition Education – from Elementary School to University”, the Edible School goes one step further. It is the hub for a network that promotes good nutrition in Hellersdorf. Together with the schools participating in the network, workshops, information events, project days, parents’ evenings, etc. take place in the living environment school, accompanied by specialists.

Our achievements:

The outdoor kitchen is a supplement to the teaching kitchen and is located in the immediate vicinity of the garden and the sports field. The teaching of the connection between growing and preparing food becomes even clearer here. In addition, the outdoor kitchen has a campfire site, so that on the one hand (after prior safety instruction) food can also be prepared by the fire and on the other hand, outdoor lessons are still possible at lower temperatures. Once a month, the market stall takes place in the schoolyard of the Caspar-David-Friedrich-School, offering free samples prepared with seasonal products from our school garden. The goal is to inform the students* about regional and seasonal products and at the same time to inspire them for different ways of preparation. The low-threshold and voluntary offer reach a large number of students who normally tend to close their minds to the topic of “healthy nutrition”.

Bee AG; In the AG led by a beekeeper, children learn about the history of bees and why bees are essential for our survival. Getting to know the beehive and the bees: what do bees do and why. Taking care of the beehives, making honey, handicrafts with the yields of the bees such as wax, propolis and much more under the guidance of a beekeeper.




Alte Hellersdorfer Str. 7
Berlin, Germany

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Concepts for Community Programmes

Concepts for Community Programmes

Concepts for Community Programmes is a national non-profit humanitarian and development organization dedicated to working with communities to reach their full potential. Founded in 2011, CCP works with rural and urban communities of Somalia promoting social cohesion and empowering communities to tackle the causes of poverty and injustice. We provide humanitarian assistance to families affected by disaster & conflict while partnering with communities for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty. Motivated by the potential in the communities we work with, we optimize their role to foster peaceful co-existence and economic empowerment in Somalia.

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Restlos Glücklich

Restlos Glücklich

Our non-profit organization RESTLOS GLÜCKLICH is campaigning for more appreciation of food’s value and sustainable food consumption. We educate people about climate-friendly nutrition through community projects, interactive activities, and individualized workshops. We educate people of all ages to raise awareness about conscientious ways of cooking and handling food. UNSERE KÜCHE: Workshops on climate-friendly and healthy nutrition and education against food waste in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Berlin; Small and simple changes in our kitchen already have a big impact on our health and climate. Look forward to creative cooking workshops and table talks with sustainable ideas on how you can cook healthy and delicious food in your everyday life without much effort




Wilhelm-Kabus-Straße 24 10829 Berlin

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