Linderud community garden awarded at the Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards 2022

The 4 winners of the Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards for 2022 have been chosen, and Linderud community garden – the site of EdiCitNet’s Living Lab – won the award for this year’s garden with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability!
In total there are 4 different categories:

1. Community garden of the year.
2. Private garden of the year.
3. Garden of the year with a focus on biological diversity.
4. Garden of the year with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Linderud community garden awarded at the Oslo Municipality's Garden Awards 2022

Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards honour gardens that contribute to making Oslo a green, beautiful, healthy and people-friendly city. The garden prize is a competition with long traditions and was first held in 1921. Congratulations Linderud community garden!

Linderud community garden awarded at the Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards 2022

The 4 winners of the Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards for 2022 have been chosen, and Linderud community garden – the site of EdiCitNet’s Living Lab – won the award for this year’s garden with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability!
In total there are 4 different categories:

1. Community garden of the year.
2. Private garden of the year.
3. Garden of the year with a focus on biological diversity.
4. Garden of the year with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Linderud community garden awarded at the Oslo Municipality's Garden Awards 2022

Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards honour gardens that contribute to making Oslo a green, beautiful, healthy and people-friendly city. The garden prize is a competition with long traditions and was first held in 1921. Congratulations Linderud community garden!

Linderud community garden awarded at the Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards 2022

The 4 winners of the Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards for 2022 have been chosen, and Linderud community garden – the site of EdiCitNet’s Living Lab – won the award for this year’s garden with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability!
In total there are 4 different categories:

1. Community garden of the year.
2. Private garden of the year.
3. Garden of the year with a focus on biological diversity.
4. Garden of the year with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Linderud community garden awarded at the Oslo Municipality's Garden Awards 2022

Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards honour gardens that contribute to making Oslo a green, beautiful, healthy and people-friendly city. The garden prize is a competition with long traditions and was first held in 1921. Congratulations Linderud community garden!

Linderud community garden awarded at the Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards 2022

The 4 winners of the Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards for 2022 have been chosen, and Linderud community garden – the site of EdiCitNet’s Living Lab – won the award for this year’s garden with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability!
In total there are 4 different categories:

1. Community garden of the year.
2. Private garden of the year.
3. Garden of the year with a focus on biological diversity.
4. Garden of the year with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Linderud community garden awarded at the Oslo Municipality's Garden Awards 2022

Oslo Municipality’s Garden Awards honour gardens that contribute to making Oslo a green, beautiful, healthy and people-friendly city. The garden prize is a competition with long traditions and was first held in 1921. Congratulations Linderud community garden!

Première visite à la ville historique de Carthage pour collaborer au plan directeur des villes comestibles

Nous sommes plus qu’heureux d’annoncer le bon déroulement de deux ateliers organisés à Carthage pour développer la stratégie qui permettra à la ville de devenir comestible. 10 participants de l’Administration (différents ministères et organes judiciaires) et 24 participants représentants les différents acteurs de Carthage (société civile, associations, ONG, éducation, propriétaires fonciers) se sont réunis dans deux ateliers pour discuter avec les membres du City Team, du futur comestible de Carthage. Après avoir rappelé aux présents, la démarche et les résultats de leur travail et exoposé les cartes et les diagrammes qui leur correspondent, les partenaires Edicitnet.



La municipalité de Carthage, l’association REACT, l’Université des ressources naturelles et des sciences de la vie de Vienne (BOKU), l’Université de Brighton et Transition Oststeiermark ont organisé et animé, des échanges et des discussions avec les participant-e-s autour de 3 thèmes intégrants la vision commune et ce afin de collecter leurs critiques, suggestions et co-construire, ensemble, les fondements des scenarios de transition.


Deux journées pleines et laborieuses au cours des quelles, le City Team de Carthage a pu noter d’une part l’ampleur des défis institutionnels et reglementaires a relever et d’autres parts, l’adhésion des participants au processus de transition vers une ville comestible. Certains propriétaires fonciers ont exprimé leur engagement pour rendre leurs terres archéologiques comestibles. Les directeurs d’école ont manifesté leurs intérêts pour mettre en place des plans sur la façon de passer aux écoles comestibles. La société civile a rappelé les besoins en sites sûrs et récréatifs pour les activités de loisirs. Les ministères ont décrit les limites du possible et négocié des voies. Les agriculteurs, parmi lesquels le détenteur du prix EdiCitNet 2021, ont présenté des projets pilotes. EdiCitNet et l’ensemble des participant-e-s partagent la vision d’une Carthage comestible qui peu àpau, se rapproche de la réalité.


