Check it out the EdiCitNet toolbox: 85 profiles for Edible City Solutions from Carthage, Lome, Sempeter, Sant Feliu de llobregat, Berlin, Montevideo.

In the past months, ICRA and BOKU have been working together to transform the information of Deliverable 4.3. (“Documentation of ECSs in FCs”) into Edible City Solutions (ECS) profiles in the EdiCitNet toolbox (see This type of collaboration is very relevant to ensure a long-term impact of EdiCitNet project, since it ensures that the data collected during the execution of the project is properly stored in the EdiCitNet database and public available in a user-friendly format.

As a result of this fruitful collaboration, 85 profiles of Edible City Solutions from Berlin (35), Carthage (16), Montevideo (16), Sant Feliu de llobregat (11), Šempeter pri Gorici (6), Lome (1), are publicly available in the EdiCitNet toolbox.

Now, ICRA and BOKU are working on a strategy to transfer the management and editing rights of these profiles to the owners/coordinators of the Edible City Solutions.

By having the ownership, they will be able to:

• Interact with other existing initiatives by leaving and receiving comments and questions thought the profiles, think of it as a social media outlet for urban food initiatives.
• Edit the profile or even delete it.
• Soon they will also be able to share events and news related to their ECS profile with the community.

City teams of Carthage and Sant Feliu de Llobregat meet to exchange on mapping local food opportunities

This week, the interdisciplinary teams of city officials, local food initiatives, research organisations and members of the public of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Spain) and Carthage (Tunisia) met online to discuss the status quo of their local food systems. The meeting was co-led by our project partners from the Institute of Organic Farming at BOKU University Vienna and the School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering at the University of Brighton (UoB).

Aim of the workshop-like meeting was to kick-off an exchange between cities that are interested in using UoB’s opportunity mapping process within WP4’s transition pathway method to address specific societal challenges in relation to their local food systems.

Carthage and Sant Feliu de Llobregat share certain general urban characteristics – f.e. the proximity to major urban centres (Tunis and Barcelona) – whilst they differ in others – f.e. the access to water. During the last two years, the city teams in both cities have met regularly to discuss the status quo of their local food systems, collect as much data on their local situation as possible, as well as to extract and agree on where the major challenges lie for implementing resilient, equitable and enjoyable urban (food) futures within their communities.

In preparation of the meeting, Ian and Katrin have taken the two cities’ observations, data and thoughts and systematised them into first drafts of key societal challenges that now make the cities comparable to each other as well as to urban food systems discourses worldwide. Key themes in both cities include the necessity to safeguard and improve local agricultural production as well as access to nature. Sant Feliu de Llobregathas extracted the need to focus on food education, amongst others, whilst Carthage, amongst others, is challenged by the heritage status of many of its open spaces.

City teams of Carthage and Sant Feliu de Llobregat meet to exchange on mapping local food opportunities

This week, the interdisciplinary teams of city officials, local food initiatives, research organisations and members of the public of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Spain) and Carthage (Tunisia) met online to discuss the status quo of their local food systems. The meeting was co-led by our project partners from the Institute of Organic Farming at BOKU University Vienna and the School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering at the University of Brighton (UoB).

Aim of the workshop-like meeting was to kick-off an exchange between cities that are interested in using UoB’s opportunity mapping process within WP4’s transition pathway method to address specific societal challenges in relation to their local food systems.

Carthage and Sant Feliu de Llobregat share certain general urban characteristics – f.e. the proximity to major urban centres (Tunis and Barcelona) – whilst they differ in others – f.e. the access to water. During the last two years, the city teams in both cities have met regularly to discuss the status quo of their local food systems, collect as much data on their local situation as possible, as well as to extract and agree on where the major challenges lie for implementing resilient, equitable and enjoyable urban (food) futures within their communities.

In preparation of the meeting, Ian and Katrin have taken the two cities’ observations, data and thoughts and systematised them into first drafts of key societal challenges that now make the cities comparable to each other as well as to urban food systems discourses worldwide. Key themes in both cities include the necessity to safeguard and improve local agricultural production as well as access to nature. Sant Feliu de Llobregathas extracted the need to focus on food education, amongst others, whilst Carthage, amongst others, is challenged by the heritage status of many of its open spaces.

City teams of Carthage and Sant Feliu de Llobregat meet to exchange on mapping local food opportunities

This week, the interdisciplinary teams of city officials, local food initiatives, research organisations and members of the public of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Spain) and Carthage (Tunisia) met online to discuss the status quo of their local food systems. The meeting was co-led by our project partners from the Institute of Organic Farming at BOKU University Vienna and the School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering at the University of Brighton (UoB).

Aim of the workshop-like meeting was to kick-off an exchange between cities that are interested in using UoB’s opportunity mapping process within WP4’s transition pathway method to address specific societal challenges in relation to their local food systems.

Carthage and Sant Feliu de Llobregat share certain general urban characteristics – f.e. the proximity to major urban centres (Tunis and Barcelona) – whilst they differ in others – f.e. the access to water. During the last two years, the city teams in both cities have met regularly to discuss the status quo of their local food systems, collect as much data on their local situation as possible, as well as to extract and agree on where the major challenges lie for implementing resilient, equitable and enjoyable urban (food) futures within their communities.

In preparation of the meeting, Ian and Katrin have taken the two cities’ observations, data and thoughts and systematised them into first drafts of key societal challenges that now make the cities comparable to each other as well as to urban food systems discourses worldwide. Key themes in both cities include the necessity to safeguard and improve local agricultural production as well as access to nature. Sant Feliu de Llobregathas extracted the need to focus on food education, amongst others, whilst Carthage, amongst others, is challenged by the heritage status of many of its open spaces.

City teams of Carthage and Sant Feliu de Llobregat meet to exchange on mapping local food opportunities

This week, the interdisciplinary teams of city officials, local food initiatives, research organisations and members of the public of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Spain) and Carthage (Tunisia) met online to discuss the status quo of their local food systems. The meeting was co-led by our project partners from the Institute of Organic Farming at BOKU University Vienna and the School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering at the University of Brighton (UoB).

Aim of the workshop-like meeting was to kick-off an exchange between cities that are interested in using UoB’s opportunity mapping process within WP4’s transition pathway method to address specific societal challenges in relation to their local food systems.

Carthage and Sant Feliu de Llobregat share certain general urban characteristics – f.e. the proximity to major urban centres (Tunis and Barcelona) – whilst they differ in others – f.e. the access to water. During the last two years, the city teams in both cities have met regularly to discuss the status quo of their local food systems, collect as much data on their local situation as possible, as well as to extract and agree on where the major challenges lie for implementing resilient, equitable and enjoyable urban (food) futures within their communities.

In preparation of the meeting, Ian and Katrin have taken the two cities’ observations, data and thoughts and systematised them into first drafts of key societal challenges that now make the cities comparable to each other as well as to urban food systems discourses worldwide. Key themes in both cities include the necessity to safeguard and improve local agricultural production as well as access to nature. Sant Feliu de Llobregathas extracted the need to focus on food education, amongst others, whilst Carthage, amongst others, is challenged by the heritage status of many of its open spaces.
