Transition Oststeiermark (TO)

Transition Oststeiermark (TO)

Transition Oststeiermark (TO) is a not-for-profit grassroots NGO that operates in and around Gleisdorf in south-eastern Austria. It was created in 2012 and registered as an association on 30-01-2013. We believe that an environmentally friendly way of life is characterized by improved quality of life, an expanding number of social contacts, and increasing meaningfulness. By engaging citizens in active projects we can stimulate community awareness and create a world that lives in harmony – with nature, and with our fellow human beings, and improves the quality of life for generations to come.

TO is part of the global Transition Towns Network, a movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world and achieve a resilient society free of fossil fuels in a planned and smooth way. The idea is to make concrete small steps together in groups to ease the transition.TO consists of people working together in different groups, supporting a repair initiative, planning the erection of PV systems on individual and public houses, and closing resource loops, not least by making settlements edible.

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