

Moestuinman is a small business owned by Max de Corte. They started with community vegetable gardens and urban farming in general. Nowadays they mainly do (edible) greening of schoolyards projects (development, designing and implementing) and Food Forest and Edible Forest Gardening (development, designing, implementing, maintenance and harvesting). All these projects are done together with a network of other local entrepreneurs.

With 5,5 years of experience in running a market garden run with volunteers in 10 years of activating volunteers Moestuinman has a big social component and involvement.

Moestuinman also calls itself a permaculture entrepreneur which means we work with the following ethics: take care of the planet, take care of the people and share the abundance!

Moestuinman is involved with the Living lab and City Team of Rotterdam and is leading a research of urban farming projects with the goal of setting up a city wide network and/or organization which can support all the projects involved.


Brouwersstraat 34
3061 NG Rotterdam

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Marktschwärmer creates a direct connection between producers and consumers of a region: Customers order comfortably in the Online shop in one of the 17 “Schwärmereien” in Berlin on

On one day in the week they fetch their fresh purchases then at a central place in their neighborhood and meet there the people, who produce their meal.

The movement already has more than 80,000 members, almost 1,000 regional producers, more than 50 hosts of local markets and a small team of dedicated Marktschwärmer in Berlin and Paris who connect these people. 

In over 50 local “Schwärmereien”, many thousands of people shop differently. With each purchase they directly support almost 1,000 small and artisanal producers in their region.

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