is an online platform for all who want to discover local fruits, nuts and herbs in public spaces and help shape the edible landscape worldwide.
More than 70.000 users share POIs, set up planting and harvesting events and share information on everything fruit-related in local groups.
By developing mundraub regions and/or edible districts, mundraub combined the digital aspect with real-life experiences – bicycle tours, harvesting & planting events. This involves preparation, organisation, execution and follow-up activities.
As a social enterprise with an array of business models, mundraub supports the project with its expertise in the field of business model developing and market uptake.
A central part of mundraub is the mundraub map, a mapping tool already serving as an Edible City Solution itself. Our almost ten year knowledge in collecting and visualizing data will aid in creating and visualizing the Edible City Network.
Mundraub Navigator
Mundraub Mobile is a Kotlin Android app for using a map of public fruit trees.
Go fruit foraging, discover your local neighborhood, reduce food waste, and gain a deeper appreciation for nature and her seasons!
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