Local Buzz Community Supported Beekeeping (CSB)

Local Buzz Community Supported Beekeeping (CSB)

We are initiating Norway’s first Community Supported Beekeeping (CSB) scheme! Our ambition is to build a community around sustainable beekeeping and honey production in Oslo.

We have been practicing urban beekeeping at Tak for Maten, an award winning rooftop farm at Greenhouse Oslo. Our bees feast on the abundant flowers present in Oslo’s urban landscape, such as Ekeberg, Botanical Gardens, and your gardens and balconies. Thanks to its unique and diverse composition, our honeydew city honey won the silver medal at 2020 NM i Honning!

Our approach to CSB is ‘co-design’. We are pioneering something new and unexplored, therefore we want to develop this initiative together with ‘you‘! We would like to hear your inputs to create a scheme that will be resilient and fun!

What is Community Supported Beekeeping?

CSB rests on the same principles as Community Supported Agriculture (Andelslandbruk), whereby members sign up and pay in advance to become a shareholder of a bee hive, while the maintenance and care is given by the beekeepers. At the end of the season, honey is shared accordingly among the members of the hive.

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NABOLAGSHAGER is an Oslo-based social enterprise and consultancy kickstarting a transition to a greener and more just society.

Our goal is to promote a shift to sustainability through entrepreneurship and knowledge exchanges.  Through local initiatives and international collaborations, we co-create multifunctional bottom-up solutions to urban challenges, such as facilitating green job opportunities for youth, creating rooftop gardens, integrating vulnerable groups, and increasing urban biodiversity.

Key local projects we have initiated include an award-winning rooftop farm, an entrepreneurship program where green jobs and circular economy are co-explored and co-created with local minority youth, and various community gardens and biodiversity-enhancing in public space.

Internationally, we collaborate with partners in academia, business and the public sector across Europe on projects related to urban farming, placemaking, entrepreneurship and the circular economy.

Having extensive experience with thehttps://nabolagshager.no/ practitioner perspective of edible city solutions, Nabolagshager bridges knowhow from academia and hands-on experience directly from the hands of urban changemakers across Europe.

Locally we work with both the public and private sector to ensure that existing practices and pilot projects move into the mainstream.

To encourage the spreading of good ideas and working solutions, we organize seminars, workshops, guided tours and lectures on timely topics, and host student projects from different faculties and backgrounds. We also use social media extensively as a platform for inspiration for edible city solutions.

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Gruten AS

Gruten AS

Gruten is a Oslo based business giving coffee waste new meaning & purpose. We make products containing coffee grounds (soaps and body scrubs) and run courses and workshops to raise awareness and build practical knowledge. The autumn of 2018 we established an urban mushhroom farm, the first of its kind in Norway. There we grow oyster mushroom on coffee waste. Which we sell to restaurants and private customers through the service called Dagens (https://dagensmat.no/) and the Reko network (https://www.facebook.com/rekonorge/).

We are engaged in a project at the moment at Linderud Gård in Oslo where Edible Cities also is present (through Oslo Kommune i believe, Stephanie Degenhardt). There we are building mushroom beds with the local cmmunity and looking at how our end substrate can be of use in growing. We have previously registered through the network and feel the work we do has relevance for what Edible Cities stands for and does.

We grow food in the city/urban area. And that on reused materials and resources. We produce oyster mushrooms, a very healthy and nutritous mushroom. Which we see increased interest for as people want to healthier and have a less meat based diet. We run courses and workshops on the theme of using coffee grounds and have 5-6 years of experience in this field.

We have a good connection with many of the food/growing initiatives in Oslo. We sell mushrooms through Dagensmat and Reko, we are involved with projects at Linderud gård (with a community supported agriculture scheme), we have cooperated with the organization Hagecrew at Vollebekk fabrikker (they have used our end substrate to build vegetable beds) and we give + sell our end substrate to growers in Oslo/surrounding area, we have contact with Nabolagshager, and we have been funded by Spirende Oslo two times (for establishing the mushroom farm and for project at Linderud gård). We also have good relations to the mushroom association around Norway and in Oslo.

Some of our main achievements are starting up first business in Norway focusing on the use of coffee grounds. ; Establishing first urban farm in Norway growing oyster mushrooms on coffee waste.; Educating and inspiring thousands of Norwegian to use coffee grounds at home for gardening, skin care and to grow oyster mushrooms.

A crucial point in our process  was the earthworm who got me keen on finding out about the possibility of using coffee grounds. I build a worm compost bin 7-8 years ago and started feeding the worms quite a bit of coffee grounds. The worm got energy from it (still some caffeine left) and produced amazing compost. Thereafter i found out that coffee grounds can be used to grow oyster mushrooms and much more. Then i was hoooked.

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The company Maltaflor Europa GmbH is a fertilizer manufacturer   based on the development of an entirely new bionic fertilizing technology that uses special plant hormones and growth compounds extracted from malt sprouts (malt-culms).

Maltaflor has become one of the leading fertilizer manufacturers in Germany by having invented products such as Symbio® which can recreate natural habitat in any soil environment including toxic landfills, especially when the microbial is not in balance.

All fertilizers made by Maltaflor are engineered to address all aspects of a healthy cultivation, from plantations to urban greening while giving priority to preserve water quality, chemical exposure and use of natural resources.

Maltaflor has supported the EdiCitNet program with knowledge & experience in soil management technologies and continue to support the program with education for students by providing soil analysis facilities.

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Moestuinman is a small business owned by Max de Corte. They started with community vegetable gardens and urban farming in general. Nowadays they mainly do (edible) greening of schoolyards projects (development, designing and implementing) and Food Forest and Edible Forest Gardening (development, designing, implementing, maintenance and harvesting). All these projects are done together with a network of other local entrepreneurs.

With 5,5 years of experience in running a market garden run with volunteers in 10 years of activating volunteers Moestuinman has a big social component and involvement.

Moestuinman also calls itself a permaculture entrepreneur which means we work with the following ethics: take care of the planet, take care of the people and share the abundance!

Moestuinman is involved with the Living lab and City Team of Rotterdam and is leading a research of urban farming projects with the goal of setting up a city wide network and/or organization which can support all the projects involved.


Brouwersstraat 34
3061 NG Rotterdam

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Tarpuna is a non-profit social initiative cooperative formed by a team of people committed to sustainability, equality of opportunities and social justice.

We do social innovation at the service of the community, through transformative local projects with sustainability criteria. We essentially work on three basic areas of everyday life: agriculture (and food), energy, and manufacturing (the objects).

We are passionate about cooperative projects, and what motivates us is not only ‘what’, but ‘how’ and ‘why’. We organise ourselves with self-managing work, with a continuous communication among us and with all the network we build on.

Tarpuna means “to sow” in Quechua. We took this word to call ourselves because we like to give birth to transformative initiatives that have their own lives. To do this, we work transversely with people from different fields.

Social growing gardens in Sant Feliu de Llobregat, is one of our agricultural projects, with which we aim to help people with social, education or economic problems to empower themselves and to develop useful skills to live better. Sant Feliu de Llobregat is one of the cities, among others, that has bet on growing gardens as a very complete strategy to improve the quality of life of the citizenship.

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