Albarakeh Wheat

Albarakeh Wheat

Albarakeh Wheat was founded in 2019 to restore local wheat production and promote food sovereignty. The project calls attention to unused urban spaces within the city by converting them into productive wheat fields and inviting families and schools within the city to work and participate in cultivating wheat, collective farming, building a relationship with grain farmers and reusing it as food from flour, groats and others. Since its first harvest in 2020, hundreds have joined the farming collective, which teaches people to cultivate wheat for an entire season.

By reclaiming urban land, Albarakeh Wheat is working towards making local wheat financially feasible for small-scale producers through connecting them with bakeries and restaurants. Their core product is specialised local whole weat flour, besides other wheat products such as jareesh and bakeeleh. The two founders work with a network of 20 farmers as well as 19 bakeries, restaurants, and retail stores.

Albarakeh Wheat is proud to have contributed to commercial bakeries producing and selling bread from local wheat – for the first time in Jordan’s history!

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