Hidrolab d.o.o.
Hidrolab d.o.o.
Hidrolab d.o.o. was established in 2009. The basic mission of the company is to provide expert engineering services for designing and consulting in the field of water, drinking water, wastewater and irrigation management, enriched by years of experience and continuous improvement of knowledge.
With state-of-the-art knowledge we connect technical, legal and economic aspects of the complex area of the public utility infrastructure and water management. The company is specialised in storm water, wastewater and drinking water management modelling, with a special emphasis on sustainable use and management and risk prevention.
Proprietary and open source CAD and GIS software is being used to develop and manage complex projects. All the activities are supported by spatial databases with real-time data acquisition and analysis.
We have participated in national and international projects funded within FP6, FP7, Cohesion founds and IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Program.
With our expert knowledge we are actively participating in the development of a comprehensive web-based EdiCitNet toolbox. The company is supporting the transition of the Follower City (municipality) Šempeter-Vrtojba to edible cities by exploiting, utilizing and adapting the experiences from front-runner cities and by implementing a high-benefit nature-based edible city solutions.
We are „Demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions in cities – Nature-based solutions for inclusive urban regeneration” and address societal challenges such as mass urbanization, social inequality and climate change in cities.
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