

Spreeacker was called into life in 2011 by the Spreefeld Cooperative, as a collection of gardening, education and cultural initiatives. The goal was inviting the neighborhood and the larger community to discover, explore and activate the open spaces next to the River Spree, surrounding the construction site that would become the Spreefeld Neighborhood. The Spreeacker non-profit association emerged out of this, and has gone on to develop and manage a number of community gardens at this location. This garden work is meant to be enjoyed as well as to be educational, for all involved and the wider public. ; The first plots with native fruit trees have long since been planted. A model project for edible landscapes – a Food Forest – has been initiated in public space: in cooperation with the Spreefeld Cooperative and the District of Berlin-Mitte. The Food Forest brings together practices of permaculture and edible landscaping with nature’s way of developing forests. More than 80 different plants in this garden are edible and/or productive: everything from the leaves of small herbs or fruits and nuts produced by trees and bushes. This Urban Food Forest is growing with the support of the surrounding community. Spreeacker aspires to a wide range of external collaborations and partnerships with experts, students, neighbors, activists and interested persons.

Spreeacker is committed to developing and demonstrating the practice of edible and productive landscapes in urban, public spaces. Spreeacker understands itself as part of a larger movement actively working to stay ahead of the emerging food and climate crises.

The practice of developing and demonstrating edible and productive landscapes in urban, public spaces, in cooperation with private and public partners, neighbors, experts, students and activists. ; Educational work regarding tours, visits, workshops and discussions with a wide range of groups. Currently working on a new project, KollektivesLernen, with Marco Clausen. ; https://www.kollektiveslernen.net/; Contacts with permaculture experts, community garden activists and other food experts.

Some of their achievements are the development and start of the Food Forest, Waldgarten, in the Wilhelmine Gemberg Weg; managing community gardens with refugees and immigrants and bringing food growing into the public spaces of our neighborhood, including raised beds into the street space.

A crucial turning point for them was signing the use-agreement with the local government to be able to develop the Food Forest on land owned by the government. In the future we expect to be producing a good amount of food, especially fruits and berries and nuts.; for now, our main service is educational.

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Berlin Food Policy Council

Berlin Food Policy Council

The Food Policy Council of Berlin is a broad coalition of citizens that share the vision to transform the food system of Berlin and its surrounding countryside to become more sustainable, just and democratic. As a platform it encompasses members from all sectors of the food system, e.g. consumers, farmers, urban gardeners, food sharing activists, small and medium enterprises in food processing, restaurants, cafés, scientists, representatives of associations and NGOs, teachers etc. The Food Policy Council considers itself as an advocate and mouthpiece for civil society positions and demands.


Postdamer Straße 105
10785 Berlin

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Network Community Gardens Berlin

Network Community Gardens Berlin

The Network Community Gardens Berlin is a self-organized activist organization, who supports the creation, protection and networking of community gardens in Berlin. It participates in political and strategic discourses concerning urban development in Berlin, especially green space, urban agriculture and environmental justice.

In the last years more and more community gardens in Berlin are at risk because of construction projects.

Until now there is no clear framework or urban concept to support and protect the gardens in the city. The Network Community Gardens Berlin wants to change this and aims for long term recognition and protection for these socially and environmentally important spaces. Therefor the network collaborates with activists from other local, national, European and international urban gardening networks as well as with activists from allotment garden organizations in Berlin.

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Dida Seeds

Dida Seeds

I am Karla, a young founder from Germany, living in Berlin. Currently, I am starting my own sustainable business – an online shop for organic seeds, packed in a fully organic and recycled packaging. Sustainability is the base of my business concept and a driving force of motivation to have a positive impact on our environment and social development.

I found out about Edible Cities during a webinar workshop on sustainable business canvas models. ; In my opinion, networks such as this one is are crucial to any kind of organisation – especially while starting. I’d love to be able to collaborate, contribute and learn while growing as a sustainable business and being part of an internationally growing network.

The expertise I am offering is my knowledge and passion for horticulture and social entrepreneurship. Being a native speaker in Croatian, German and Spanish, I am also very much interested in the cultural variety of international collaborations, which is why I studied Cultural Studies and Anthropology in the first place.

As I am just starting to develop my business, I’d be glad to make the Edible cities one of my first ones. Other than that I am involved in rather artistic networks and communities, as I was working as a Gallery Manager in contemporary art gallery.

My core product are organic seeds. Parallel to that, I will be offering a service to health institutions (starting in Berlin): a collaboration with hospitals and therapeutic institutions. ; In order to promote gardening as a form of therapy, already acknowledged in different parts of the world, I will be offering the service of sowing seeds with patients and their doctors / therapists as a means of therapeutic exercise, supporting their individual healing processes.



Auguststraße 63
10117 Berlin

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Food made from insect flour, or insect food for short, a sustainable, alternative source of protein with many advantages for healthy eating and our environment. Insec2Eat wants to face this challenge and make insect food known. Many people in Germany shy away from unknown diets, especially when it comes to edible insects. The reasons for this are mostly poor education and natural disgust. Precisely because of this sensitive product, Insec2Eat has set itself the task of putting taste, sustainability and quality first. The breeding of edible insects is inherently sustainable. For this very reason, Insec2Eat continues there and only produces in Germany and only uses biodegradable packaging. To give the products a unique taste, our chilli rillis, crispbread and crackers are handmade according to original recipes. These measures are also decisive for the quality of the products.

If we do not concentrate soon on alternative food concepts that are also sustainable, there is a risk that we will knock ourselves out. Factory farming and monocultures in conventional agriculture will not withstand in the long run. More and more animals that need more and more space, that consume immense resources for their breeding, a no-go.; This is exactly the starting point where I want to go and integrate insect food into people’s menus. Insect food consists partly of insect flour. Insect meal from freeze-dried insects consists of 50-70% protein which stimulates muscle growth through the protein and is also sustainable for the environment, through the resource-saving breeding of insects. Since insects do not need much space for their breeding, they can also be bred in small warehouses in the city.

7.8 billion people need food, but traditional resources are no longer sufficient. What can we do to avoid hunger while protecting the environment?; Solution; Over 2 billion people worldwide eat insects or insect products. Insects contain between 50-70% proteins, important nutrients such as vitamins B2 & B12, healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and trace elements (iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, etc.).; -healthy; -rich in essential nutrients and trace elements; -space-saving in breeding; -consume only 1/10 of the resources of conservative animal husbandry; -are bred according to strict HACCP rules; -can be a varied alternative to conventional nutrition; -no pesticides or antibiotics are used for breeding, only organic feed.

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Marktschwärmer creates a direct connection between producers and consumers of a region: Customers order comfortably in the Online shop in one of the 17 “Schwärmereien” in Berlin on www.marktschwaermer.de.

On one day in the week they fetch their fresh purchases then at a central place in their neighborhood and meet there the people, who produce their meal.

The movement already has more than 80,000 members, almost 1,000 regional producers, more than 50 hosts of local markets and a small team of dedicated Marktschwärmer in Berlin and Paris who connect these people. 

In over 50 local “Schwärmereien”, many thousands of people shop differently. With each purchase they directly support almost 1,000 small and artisanal producers in their region.

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