Stadt macht satt

Stadt macht satt

“Stadt macht satt” (Harvest the City) is an initiative of the artist Anja Fiedler. “Harvest the city” gathers and develops ideas on how we can harvest delicious things in the city and how we can produce food ourselves – even in the smallest of spaces.; ; Anja Fiedler developed different prototypes of vertical gardening (window garden, salad and vegetable trees), different interactive social sculpture events to activate people to rethink our food system and find their own way to change it.; ; With her other initiative “Apfelschätze” (Apple treasures) ( she rescues tons of apples every years from rotting.

Anja Fiedler believes that own FARMING, GROWING, HARVESTING and COOKING, we townspeople come closer to nature and our food. This not only makes our cities greener, but also our actions. The UNESCO has awarded “Stadt macht satt” and “Apfelschätze” as an exemplary project to teach children and adults how to think and act sustainably.

Food is one of the most effective ways to solve some of our main future problems like feeding the growing world population, climate change, preserving soil and water,etc.  More than 50 % of the world population lives in cities, so edible city can help solve some of the supply questions, but also educate people and make them rethink. I made research to other edible cities and would love to have more connections and exchange.

My approach as an artist of social sculptures helps me to develop low-threshold, but emotional actions that reach very different people.  Within the project people reflect their own possibilities to change things in there everyday life and most of them put it in their practice. I also give lectures and people replicate my projects with great success.

I am also connected with urban gardeners in Berlin and in Toronto. Some of the achievements of this initiative are  providing to 50-70% of the people the chance to pick their own apple supply continue to do this in the following years. Children eat and cook fresh food and make their parents rescue food themselves. There is also Skinfold – where I cook together with children and adults different fresh food and make at the same time all sorts of cosmetics. People also learn how buy differently afterwards. No microplastic, no palm oil. Eat better.

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Prinzessinnengarten/Nomadisch Grün gGmbH

Prinzessinnengarten/Nomadisch Grün gGmbH

In 2009 the Prinzessinnengarten was founded at Moritzplatz in Kreuzberg, a community garden and learning place on a former wasteland in the middle of the city. Since the Prinzessinnengarten was designed from the very beginning as a mobile urban garden, Nomadisch Grün – the supporting organization of the Prinzessinnengarten founded in 2009 – has now moved to a new location in Neukölln with its activities after 10 years in Kreuzberg. Here, a new form of community garden is establishing itself on parts of the New St. Jacobi Cemetery, thus supporting the possibility of maintaining this place as a publicly accessible green space.

This new location is very large and close to nature with 7.5 hectares. The community garden is located in the middle of this natural space that has grown for 100 years. The activities are open to everyone and are gladly accepted by the neighbourhood and educational institutions. They range from sowing, planting, harvesting, seed production, processing and preserving vegetables, keeping bees and building a worm compost to questions of community design of urban habitat. Weekly gardening days take place on the raised-bed meadow, in the field and in the greenhouse. At the open garden meeting every week everyone can contribute with their ideas. The main aim of the work here is to provide low-threshold educational and participation opportunities. 

Prinzessinnengarten has become an outstanding example of ECS in Berlin by growing vegetables in urban spaces with local communities, focusing on education & participation in order to create appreciation for food and bring people together who co-create liveable urban spaces, thus creating diverse edible landscapes within the city (school gardens, firm gardens, public gardens at social & cultural institutions)

Hence, they’ve gain great experience by bringing people together/community building in open activities with diverse backgrounds & expertise, creating innovative and low threshold concepts for urban green spaces / transforming urban green spaces.

Their networking efforts gather people from different countries and other supporting organisation such as Gardening Network Berlin, as well as local neighbourhoods, who regularly come for an exchange, through volunteering services and educational programmes.   

Some of their highlights are the model project implementation for long term conversion of urban green spaces e.g. cemetery, relocation to a new area with a long term perspective and since 2019 first time growing food on a larger scale directly in soil. 

There are around 50 people involve in the organisation providing services as low threshold participation & education activities, as well as the transformation if urban spaces into edible landscapes.

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Forum Stadtgärtnern

Forum Stadtgärtnern

Gardens belong to Berlin. They are greening and refreshing the city, produce healthy food, protect and create fertile soils, are spaces for socializing, sharing, learning and community building. The Berlin allotment gardens startet with this more than a hundred years ago and are as popular as ever. Community gardens are rather young, but their number is crowing. Both types of urban gardens get more and more under pressure because of planned constructions. The Forum Stadtgärtnern is an initiative where community gardening and allotment garden activists gather their creativity, knowledge and ressources in order to protect and support the diversity of urban gardens in Berlin. The group is organizing debates, addressing papers to politicians and participating in demonstrations and actions in favour to protect urban green, a sustainable urban development and concerning climate change.

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Grüne Liga Berlin

Grüne Liga Berlin

GRÜNE LIGA Berlin is an NGO comprehensively supporting environmental protection and sustainable social development. GRÜNE LIGA Berlin’s specialization and focus are directed at environmental education and counseling, education promoting sustainability and supporting urban gardening.

The Berlin Landesverband (state association) is a member of GRÜNE LIGA Germany, a network for eco-friendly movements and an environmental association active on a national level, which is historically rooted in the environmental and peace movements of the GDR. The network’s objective is to provide support as well as specialized coordination for independent environmental groups and initiatives.

Actually GRÜNE LIGA Berlin conducts the project “Integrierte urbane Gärten – Schul- und Nachbarschaftsgärten in Marzahn-Hellersdorf” in the district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The project is supporting school and community gardens by building up garden infrastructure for the various projects as well as conducting regularly workshops for for the urban gardeners.


Prenzlauer Allee 8
10405 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

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