Several meetings were organized to adapt the EdiCitNet toolbox to the needs of cities

In order to adapt the toolbox to the needs of cities within the project, WP2 (Toolbox for enhancing ECS learning) has strengthened the collaboration with WP5 (Documentation and Monitoring) and WP3 (Living Labs) and with City Teams of Berlin and Montevideo. The topic of the meetings was to discuss how the toolbox could assist Living Labs and FC in data collection and monitoring.
WP2 has proposed an integrative approach for LL monitoring. The main goal is to have all data automatically stored in the EdiCitNet database and have all procedures unified in one online platform: the toolbox web.
Currently, WP2, 3 and 5 are closely collaborating to further develop such proposal.
We will be more than glad to arrange new meetings with all cities and partners that ask for it.

Forum Stadtgärtnern is on the EdiCitNet Marketplace!

Gardens belong to Berlin. They are greening and refreshing the city, produce healthy food, protect and create fertile soils, are spaces for socializing, sharing, learning and community building. The Berlin allotment gardens started with this more than a hundred years ago and are as popular as ever. Community gardens are rather young, but their number is crowing. Both types of urban gardens get more and more under pressure because of planned constructions. The Forum Stadtgärtnern is an initiative where community gardening and allotment garden activists gather their creativity, knowledge and resources in order to protect and support the diversity of urban gardens in Berlin. The group is organizing debates, addressing papers to politicians and participating in demonstrations and actions in favour to protect urban green, a sustainable urban development and concerning climate change.

Register to our Marketplace to find out more about Forum Stadtgärtnern and other interesting initiatives:

EdiCitNet is presenting the Edible City of the Future on car-free Friedrichstraße in Berlin!

Friedrichstraße runs in front of our office in Berlin and is one of the most famous shopping streets in the city. Normally it is heavily trafficked, but now the city has implemented a pilot project that turns a section of the street into a strolling mile without cars. Stores and residents in this area can present themselves in so-called “showcases” (glass boxes), and well-known brands such as Rolex or Cartier show their collections and models here.

We as EdiCitNet project and resident of Friedrichstraße also take up this offer, but of course, we do not present products but the Edible City of the Future!  With a raised bed, information posters about the Living Labs in Berlin and visions of the future, we invite everyone to imagine a city next to consumption and car traffic that is edible and combines social, ecological and economic factors.

Join our Network to share your visions and ideas about the Edible City of the Future!

EdiCitNet toolbox web is already available in 7 different languages

In order to make the EdiCitNet toolbox web more inclusive and user friendly, ICRA, UL, SEMIDE and BOKU are joining efforts to translate the web into 7 different languages: English, Catalan, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Slovenian and German. The whole web is translated, except the sections that are under
WP2 would like to include as many languages as possible. Therefore, if you want to see the EdiCitNet toolbox web in your own language, please contact us, we will be very glad to give you guidance on the translation procedure.

Check it out! More than 140 Edible City Solutions from “sister” project H2020 NATURAVATION already available on the EdiCitNet toolbox web

WP2 is very happy to announce that we have been collaborating with H2020 “sister” project NATURVATION in order to integrate the edible Nature-Based Solutions from NATURVATION ATLAS ( into the EdiCitNet catalogue (available on (
As a result of this collaboration, on the EdiCitNet catalogue, you will find information about more than 140 ECS from NATURVATION project, including a detailed description, starting year, type of funding, social medias, webs and related documents (PDF). For more information you can access the original source (NATURVATION ATLAS).

City Team Meeting in Berlin (25th of November 2020)

The City Team met in order to discuss the status quo of the project and to collect ideas on how to proceed with the upcoming project tasks. An additional focus was set on public outreach of the project through a factsheet to enable political involvement.
An overview of potential edible city solutions in Berlin was given. In a next step, the City Team will comment on these projects and then choose 20 different ones, which will be further analyzed. The portfolio of different edible city solutions will be part of the masterplan in Berlin.
