

We are Soppløsninger, a mushroom project started by Konrad and Kaja. 

We are currently experimenting with growing shiitake on logs in un-used urban spaces around Oslo

Got space for placing mushrooms? We bring the materials, tools and know-how!

Norway’s moderate and damp climate coupled with using waste logs from the lumber industry could be the beginning of local and sustainable mushroom cultivation. 

We just need to figure out how to get there…

Luckily, mushrooms can grow on logs in any shady and wind-protected area. Using Oslo as the test-bed for this pilot project, we have joined forces with a few different actors around the city in researching different methods of growing mushrooms on logs. Thanks to funding from the Oslo municipality, we are embarking on a 2-year study exploring the what, where, why and hows of growing outdoor mushrooms. 

We are no experts in this field, just a shared passion for fungi, food systems and finicky problems.

Contact: Konrad and Kaja


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E-Mail an EdiCitNet schicken is an online platform for all who want to discover local fruits, nuts and herbs in public spaces and help shape the edible landscape worldwide.

More than 70.000 users share POIs, set up planting and harvesting events and share information on everything fruit-related in local groups.

By developing mundraub regions and/or edible districts, mundraub combined the digital aspect with real-life experiences – bicycle tours, harvesting & planting events. This involves preparation, organisation, execution and follow-up activities.

As a social enterprise with an array of business models, mundraub supports the project with its expertise in the field of business model developing and market uptake.

A central part of mundraub is the mundraub map, a mapping tool already serving as an Edible City Solution itself. Our almost ten year knowledge in collecting and visualizing data will aid in creating and visualizing the Edible City Network.

Mundraub Navigator

Mundraub Mobile is a Kotlin Android app for using a map of public fruit trees.

Go fruit foraging, discover your local neighborhood, reduce food waste, and gain a deeper appreciation for nature and her seasons!

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Hidrolab d.o.o.

Hidrolab d.o.o.

Hidrolab d.o.o. was established in 2009. The basic mission of the company is to provide expert engineering services for designing and consulting in the field of water, drinking water, wastewater and irrigation management, enriched by years of experience and continuous improvement of knowledge.

With state-of-the-art knowledge we connect technical, legal and economic aspects of the complex area of the public utility infrastructure and water management. The company is specialised in storm water, wastewater and drinking water management modelling, with a special emphasis on sustainable use and management and risk prevention.

Proprietary and open source CAD and GIS software is being used to develop and manage complex projects. All the activities are supported by spatial databases with real-time data acquisition and analysis.

We have participated in national and international projects funded within FP6, FP7, Cohesion founds and IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Program.

With our expert knowledge we are actively participating in the development of a comprehensive web-based EdiCitNet toolbox. The company is supporting the transition of the Follower City (municipality) Šempeter-Vrtojba to edible cities by exploiting, utilizing and adapting the experiences from front-runner cities and by implementing a high-benefit nature-based edible city solutions.

We are „Demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions in cities – Nature-based solutions for inclusive urban regeneration” and address societal challenges such as mass urbanization, social inequality and climate change in cities.

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NABOLAGSHAGER is an Oslo-based social enterprise and consultancy kickstarting a transition to a greener and more just society.

Our goal is to promote a shift to sustainability through entrepreneurship and knowledge exchanges.  Through local initiatives and international collaborations, we co-create multifunctional bottom-up solutions to urban challenges, such as facilitating green job opportunities for youth, creating rooftop gardens, integrating vulnerable groups, and increasing urban biodiversity.

Key local projects we have initiated include an award-winning rooftop farm, an entrepreneurship program where green jobs and circular economy are co-explored and co-created with local minority youth, and various community gardens and biodiversity-enhancing in public space.

Internationally, we collaborate with partners in academia, business and the public sector across Europe on projects related to urban farming, placemaking, entrepreneurship and the circular economy.

Having extensive experience with the practitioner perspective of edible city solutions, Nabolagshager bridges knowhow from academia and hands-on experience directly from the hands of urban changemakers across Europe.

Locally we work with both the public and private sector to ensure that existing practices and pilot projects move into the mainstream.

To encourage the spreading of good ideas and working solutions, we organize seminars, workshops, guided tours and lectures on timely topics, and host student projects from different faculties and backgrounds. We also use social media extensively as a platform for inspiration for edible city solutions.

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Nolde & Partner

Nolde & Partner

Nolde & Partner for innovative water concepts look back on more than 25 years of expertise in the field of sustainable water and wastewater management.

We are specialised in the planning, design and R&D of decentralised wastewater recycling systems, in combination with heat recovery from wastewater in addition to decentralised rainwater management solutions.

For us, wastewater is a source of water, energy and nutrients and therefore an essential component of any Edible City Solution (ECS).

The long-standing experience and research results from the “Waterhouse” will provide quantifiable evidence with regard to the ecological, social and economical impacts of such innovations on the urban environment and will contribute to an efficient water resources management and increased water reuse with the active involvement of stakeholders and end users.

Another challenge would be to look for efficient contracting models to professionally operate and maintain these innovative systems.

The so-called “Waterhouse” in the centre of Berlin is a lighthouse project that demonstrates innovative and sustainable urban water management solutions at a decentralised, local level.

It incorporates household wastewater recycling and reuse in addition to onsite rainwater management.

The Roof Water-Farm project further explores the treated wastewater to produce food (aquaponics and hydroponics) and liquid fertilizer, in addition to the non-potable water reuse in buildings (toilet flushing, irrigation).

The Waterhouse is suited to demonstrating innovative water systems and services for efficient and sustainable water reuse in the city. It improves public awareness and acceptance for resource recycling and acts as a living laboratory for education and research and is frequently visited by researchers, experts and students from all over the world.

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Gruten AS

Gruten AS

Gruten is a Oslo based business giving coffee waste new meaning & purpose. We make products containing coffee grounds (soaps and body scrubs) and run courses and workshops to raise awareness and build practical knowledge. The autumn of 2018 we established an urban mushhroom farm, the first of its kind in Norway. There we grow oyster mushroom on coffee waste. Which we sell to restaurants and private customers through the service called Dagens ( and the Reko network (

We are engaged in a project at the moment at Linderud Gård in Oslo where Edible Cities also is present (through Oslo Kommune i believe, Stephanie Degenhardt). There we are building mushroom beds with the local cmmunity and looking at how our end substrate can be of use in growing. We have previously registered through the network and feel the work we do has relevance for what Edible Cities stands for and does.

We grow food in the city/urban area. And that on reused materials and resources. We produce oyster mushrooms, a very healthy and nutritous mushroom. Which we see increased interest for as people want to healthier and have a less meat based diet. We run courses and workshops on the theme of using coffee grounds and have 5-6 years of experience in this field.

We have a good connection with many of the food/growing initiatives in Oslo. We sell mushrooms through Dagensmat and Reko, we are involved with projects at Linderud gård (with a community supported agriculture scheme), we have cooperated with the organization Hagecrew at Vollebekk fabrikker (they have used our end substrate to build vegetable beds) and we give + sell our end substrate to growers in Oslo/surrounding area, we have contact with Nabolagshager, and we have been funded by Spirende Oslo two times (for establishing the mushroom farm and for project at Linderud gård). We also have good relations to the mushroom association around Norway and in Oslo.

Some of our main achievements are starting up first business in Norway focusing on the use of coffee grounds. ; Establishing first urban farm in Norway growing oyster mushrooms on coffee waste.; Educating and inspiring thousands of Norwegian to use coffee grounds at home for gardening, skin care and to grow oyster mushrooms.

A crucial point in our process  was the earthworm who got me keen on finding out about the possibility of using coffee grounds. I build a worm compost bin 7-8 years ago and started feeding the worms quite a bit of coffee grounds. The worm got energy from it (still some caffeine left) and produced amazing compost. Thereafter i found out that coffee grounds can be used to grow oyster mushrooms and much more. Then i was hoooked.

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