is an urban subsidiary, which is responsible for tourism, city marketing and business development. The Company is counterpart in all questions concerning the marketing of the city of Andernach.  In the business segment of ​​city marketing and tourism is for example responsible for making the city more attractive as a tourist-destination or for the local retail.

In co-operation with the urban administration as well as local associations is responsible for the conception and realization of various city festivals and events.

We offer packed tours and guided city tours to our guests, and the team of our tourist-information will assist in all the questions around the travel planning. One can reach information about the historic old town of Andernach, Andernach Geyser, the edible city, cultural events, hiking or bicycle tours. Furthermore, guests can use our free room service.

The aim is to be of help and make the stay in Andernach a pleasant one.   

In the segment of business development, you are welcome as an entrepreneur or start-up. Start-ups can also use our consulting service.

Tourists which visit the city of Andernach are very interested in the project of the “edible city” for which reason we are the intersection to transport also the activities of the project of “edible cities Network” to our guests and to support the network with our expert knowledge in question of marketing.


Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 40
56626 Andernach

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The company Maltaflor Europa GmbH is a fertilizer manufacturer   based on the development of an entirely new bionic fertilizing technology that uses special plant hormones and growth compounds extracted from malt sprouts (malt-culms).

Maltaflor has become one of the leading fertilizer manufacturers in Germany by having invented products such as Symbio® which can recreate natural habitat in any soil environment including toxic landfills, especially when the microbial is not in balance.

All fertilizers made by Maltaflor are engineered to address all aspects of a healthy cultivation, from plantations to urban greening while giving priority to preserve water quality, chemical exposure and use of natural resources.

Maltaflor has supported the EdiCitNet program with knowledge & experience in soil management technologies and continue to support the program with education for students by providing soil analysis facilities.

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degewo is a leading residential company in Berlin. With around 69,000 owner-occupied apartments and more than 6,000 third-party apartments as well as around 1,300 employees, it is one of the largest and most efficient housing companies in Germany. Their quarters are located in almost all parts of Berlin.

degewo is part of the City Team and supports with their experience in the management of numerous community gardens and insect-friendly and species-rich open spaces in their living quarters.


Postdamer Straße 60
10785 Berlin

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Dida Seeds

Dida Seeds

I am Karla, a young founder from Germany, living in Berlin. Currently, I am starting my own sustainable business – an online shop for organic seeds, packed in a fully organic and recycled packaging. Sustainability is the base of my business concept and a driving force of motivation to have a positive impact on our environment and social development.

I found out about Edible Cities during a webinar workshop on sustainable business canvas models. ; In my opinion, networks such as this one is are crucial to any kind of organisation – especially while starting. I’d love to be able to collaborate, contribute and learn while growing as a sustainable business and being part of an internationally growing network.

The expertise I am offering is my knowledge and passion for horticulture and social entrepreneurship. Being a native speaker in Croatian, German and Spanish, I am also very much interested in the cultural variety of international collaborations, which is why I studied Cultural Studies and Anthropology in the first place.

As I am just starting to develop my business, I’d be glad to make the Edible cities one of my first ones. Other than that I am involved in rather artistic networks and communities, as I was working as a Gallery Manager in contemporary art gallery.

My core product are organic seeds. Parallel to that, I will be offering a service to health institutions (starting in Berlin): a collaboration with hospitals and therapeutic institutions. ; In order to promote gardening as a form of therapy, already acknowledged in different parts of the world, I will be offering the service of sowing seeds with patients and their doctors / therapists as a means of therapeutic exercise, supporting their individual healing processes.



Auguststraße 63
10117 Berlin

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Food made from insect flour, or insect food for short, a sustainable, alternative source of protein with many advantages for healthy eating and our environment. Insec2Eat wants to face this challenge and make insect food known. Many people in Germany shy away from unknown diets, especially when it comes to edible insects. The reasons for this are mostly poor education and natural disgust. Precisely because of this sensitive product, Insec2Eat has set itself the task of putting taste, sustainability and quality first. The breeding of edible insects is inherently sustainable. For this very reason, Insec2Eat continues there and only produces in Germany and only uses biodegradable packaging. To give the products a unique taste, our chilli rillis, crispbread and crackers are handmade according to original recipes. These measures are also decisive for the quality of the products.

If we do not concentrate soon on alternative food concepts that are also sustainable, there is a risk that we will knock ourselves out. Factory farming and monocultures in conventional agriculture will not withstand in the long run. More and more animals that need more and more space, that consume immense resources for their breeding, a no-go.; This is exactly the starting point where I want to go and integrate insect food into people’s menus. Insect food consists partly of insect flour. Insect meal from freeze-dried insects consists of 50-70% protein which stimulates muscle growth through the protein and is also sustainable for the environment, through the resource-saving breeding of insects. Since insects do not need much space for their breeding, they can also be bred in small warehouses in the city.

7.8 billion people need food, but traditional resources are no longer sufficient. What can we do to avoid hunger while protecting the environment?; Solution; Over 2 billion people worldwide eat insects or insect products. Insects contain between 50-70% proteins, important nutrients such as vitamins B2 & B12, healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and trace elements (iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, etc.).; -healthy; -rich in essential nutrients and trace elements; -space-saving in breeding; -consume only 1/10 of the resources of conservative animal husbandry; -are bred according to strict HACCP rules; -can be a varied alternative to conventional nutrition; -no pesticides or antibiotics are used for breeding, only organic feed.

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Uncle Trolls Pantry

Uncle Trolls Pantry

We are: Uncle Trolls Pantry; We forage mushrooms and herbs from Norwegian forests. Most of what we forage we turn into products, and some we sell fresh to restaurants and end customers.; We also make courses to teach people about edible mushrooms and plants, and how to prepare them.

Our relation to ECS is given by a project in Linderud Gård Nærmiljøhage where we are experimenting with growing herbs, which is one of our expertise areas, along with knowledge about mushrooms.

Some of our achievements are becoming certified mushroom controllers in Norway; making a range of tasty products from what we forage in the local forests and arranging our first courses about foraging and preparing the catch.

It began as a hobby and with making products for family and friends. One step led to another and we began learning more about foraging from nature. The things we foraged became products like sauces, spices, pickles, pestos, chutneys and syrups. With small steps we experiment and find better and better recipes, and expand our markets. Though foraging is extremely time consuming and dependant weather conditions, experience and luck, it is also a very rewarding work. The forest is the best employer! (Even though the hourly pay is quite low…); Now after 4 years we deliver fresh mushrooms to some restaurants, and we have a range of different products within our brand.; We also started making courses and hope to expand that part of the business as it is a bit easier to plan though it is also dependant on the season.

Our core products are a range of sauces, spices, pickles, pestos, chutneys and syrups that we manufacture from foraged, grown and surplus food. We also provide educational services through courses and guided tours.

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