“Stadt macht satt” is on the EdiCitNet Marketplace!

We are pleased to introduce to you the initiative “Stadt macht satt” (Harvest the City), which is part of the Edible Cities Network.

“Stadt macht satt” (Harvest the City) is an initiative of the artist Anja Fiedler. Harvest the city gathers and develops ideas on how we can harvest delicious things in the city and how we can produce food ourselves – even in the smallest of spaces. Anja Fiedler developed different prototypes of vertical gardening (window garden, salad and vegetable trees) and different interactive social culture events to activate people to rethink our food system and find their own way to change it. Anja Fiedler believes that by FARMING, GROWING, HARVESTING and COOKING together, the cities’ inhabitants come closer to nature and their food. This not only makes our cities greener, but also our actions. The UNESCO has awarded “Stadt macht satt” as an exemplary project to teach children and adults how to think and act sustainably.

Find more information on their website: https://stadtmachtsatt.de/

Become part of the EdiCitNet Marketplace along with many exciting initiatives like “Stadt macht satt” and register here: https://www.edicitnet.com/biz/

Social Gastronomy Movement – Food Solidarity Gathering – 16-23 October 2020

If you are looking at connecting with organisations across the world that use food for social good and learning and sharing ideas and best practices, then please register for the range of events taking place virtually.

On October 16, World Food Day, the Social Gastronomy Movement will kick-off a week-long virtual event series. The SGM Food Solidarity Gathering is co-created by social entrepreneurs and organizations using the power of food to create change and will feature over 27 sessions, 35 speakers, and 34 hours of online content.

What to Expect:
Connection and action. Sessions throughout the week will dive deep into a the theme of Food Solidarity, which is when we collectively  engage the human side of the food cycle and work towards the shared goal of universal access to healthy food and freedom from hunger. Throughout the week SGM will co-create action plans as well as foster connection and collaboration within the community.

On a peer-to-peer basis the intent of the gathering is to:

  1. Showcase Community Members and Inspire to Action
  2. Co-create Actionable Solutions
  3. Share Valuable Learnings
  4. Have Meaningful Dialogues

To view the full program and sign up for sessions please visit www.socialgastronomy.org/sgm-gathering-sessions.

EdiCitNet at the Autumn festival in the Gutsgarten Helldersdorf


Edible Cities participated in the autumn celebration held by Prinzessinnengarten last Thursday 08.10 at 14:30 in GutsGarten Hellersdorf. Neighbors, along with project members, had the chance to grill, share food together, exchange anecdotes and ideas and enjoy a music show performed by children from the local school. The local project “Hellersdorfer Gesichter” also took part in the event, where participants had the chance to narrate their own stories and receive a portrait from one of the artists involved. It was a great opportunity to meet each other, explore and garden together while enjoying a nice autumn evening.


The 7th edition of the urban garden maintenance course for homeless people is underway in Barcelona

On September 22, 2020, the seventh edition of the pre-labour course Technician in the maintenance of urban gardens, composting centers and gardening (ASSÍS verd) began, promoted by the ASSÍS Reception Center and UB Solidarity Foundation. The training is intended to people in situation of homelessness cared for at the ASSÍS Reception Center and other social entities.

Tunisia aquaponics, exceptional ECS by a young promoter

As part of the series of technical visits to ECS organized by REACT, we visited on September 11, 2020, Tunisie Auaponie. It is a company founded by the young fishery agri-entrepreneur Mr. Sofiene Rouis. Enthusiastic and passionate, he is a leader in this field and launched his company 3 years ago offering training services in aquaponics as well as the design, installation and monitoring of aquaponics units. His original concept is based on two volleys.


The first is the aquaponics technique used, which is a soil-less culture synchronizing the breeding of freshwater fish (aquaculture) and the cultivation of plants, fruits and vegetables, in water (hydroponics). It is based on the installation of a balanced and autonomous system thanks to a symbiotic relationship between fish, bacteria and plants. It is an ecological, biological and water/nutriments saving system with also an integration of rainwater. The second flight is the adaptation of this system to the urban context. Such a culture blends with urban architecture and can be installed on the walls, roofs, terraces and even the small balconies of apartments. He is daily working in improving the system to adapt it to the urban contexts and to extend it to a wide variety of vegetables and plants.

Any city dweller; as an eco-responsible consumer, by installing an aquaponics unit, benefits from fresh and organic products of a vegetable garden as well as a production of tasty Tilapia fish.

The visit took place in a friendly atmosphere with several question/answer sessions as well as practical exercise related to Tilapia multiplication process. At the end, each participant composed bouquets of vegetables and medicinal plants as a welcome gift. 

Tunisia aquaponics begins to irradiate in Tunisia, its units were visited by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries. We wish Tunisia aquaponics good continuation and success on a national and international scale.

L’Association la Recherche en Action (REACT) is on the EdiCitNet Marketplace!

We are pleased to introduce to you the association REACT, which is part of the Edible Cities Network.

REACT draws on the multiple multidisciplinary experiences of its members in various fields of research and innovation (water and environment, biodiversity, human health, IT, etc.). The association also relies on the professional and associative networks of its members and is a sustainable development association with an expertise in the fields of Water management and the integration of non-conventional water for optimal use of water resources in arid environment and to achieve zero discharge.

Their main work consists of the protection of biodiversity while developing and integrating endemic plants into both ecological and production systems, the governance and institutional aspects related to water and health and support to decision-makers and main actors and the moderation, dissemination and awareness-raising among different target groups including young people.

The association’s main role in the project is to support the Follower City Carthage with the integration of ECS into urban master plans and the ECS development adapted to specific climatic, social and cultural contexts.  This implies the integration of sustainable components on ECS linked to water and biodiversity, co-creation and exchange meetings with main actors as well as the implementation of the Carthage city team, including the awareness-rising, capacity building, dissemination and the sustainability of EdiCitNet achievements.

Find their projects and more information on their website: http://react.org.tn/

Become part of the EdiCitNet Marketplace along with many exciting initiatives like REACT and register here: https://www.edicitnet.com/biz/
