Check it out! More than 140 Edible City Solutions from “sister” project H2020 NATURAVATION already available on the EdiCitNet toolbox web

WP2 is very happy to announce that we have been collaborating with H2020 “sister” project NATURVATION in order to integrate the edible Nature-Based Solutions from NATURVATION ATLAS ( into the EdiCitNet catalogue (available on (
As a result of this collaboration, on the EdiCitNet catalogue, you will find information about more than 140 ECS from NATURVATION project, including a detailed description, starting year, type of funding, social medias, webs and related documents (PDF). For more information you can access the original source (NATURVATION ATLAS).

City Team Meeting in Berlin (25th of November 2020)

The City Team met in order to discuss the status quo of the project and to collect ideas on how to proceed with the upcoming project tasks. An additional focus was set on public outreach of the project through a factsheet to enable political involvement.
An overview of potential edible city solutions in Berlin was given. In a next step, the City Team will comment on these projects and then choose 20 different ones, which will be further analyzed. The portfolio of different edible city solutions will be part of the masterplan in Berlin.

Diploma awards : “Social and community cooking” course for young people in the northern area of Barcelona

On 3/11/2020, the Social Education Platform Cruïlla from Ciutat Meridiana- Barcelona (PES Cruïlla) and the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona has delivered the extension university course diplomas “Social and community cooking” at the University of Barcelona, coordinated by Dr. Carme Panchón and aimed at young people aged 18 to 25 with special difficulties in socio-occupational integration, preferably in the neighborhoods in the northern part of the Nou Barris district (Ciutat Meridiana, Torre Baró and Vallbona, Barcelona).
The aim of the course has been to offer these young people professional training that facilitates their incorporation into the labour market, specifically in the hotel and catering sector.
In addition to providing them with the necessary theoretical and practical skills in this sector, the course has offered students tools to develop attitudes and skills that contribute to their personal growth and social and employment integration.
The training has included mentored support, has encouraged self-employment and entrepreneurship, and has facilitated the contact of young people with companies in the sector.
The collaboration between PES Cruïlla and the University of Barcelona is part of the Socio-educational Intervention Program that the UB Solidarity Foundation is developing in the North Zone of Barcelona.

EdiCitNet project in Tunisian Science Feast

The Science Feast is organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research – Directorate General of Scientific Research in partnership with the Tunis Science City (CST) on October 30 and 31, 2019. The feast of science aims to raise awareness among the general public about scientific culture, the valorization of research of the scientific community, the stimulation in young people of their curiosity for science and their interest in scientific careers, the discovery of jobs resulting from research, knowledge sharing and exchanges between researchers and citizens in a festive atmosphere.
The EdiCitNet project was presented during the Tunisian Science Feast at a plenary Conference. Prof Latifa Bousselmi explained the framework of the EdiCitNet project, the partnership and the overall objective of this project. She also presented the planned actions and the expected impacts of the project. Different concepts of some Tunisian “edible city” case studies were also discussed with the audience.

Third technical visit: The rebirth of an Andalusian nourishing garden

In the heart of the Medina of Tunis, a paradisiacal garden is born and a new mini ecosystem is well established. On 25 September 2020, REACT organised the third technical visit of a Tunisian ECS. The members of our network of edible and sustainable cities had the opportunity to discover this restored Andalusian nourishing garden which allowed us to dream of a Medina with an edible future. The story of the genesis of this garden was passionately told to us by our hosts Mr Henri and Ms Marie Anne. By looking at the photos of the site at the beginning, we became aware of the enormous amount of work that has been carried out to set up this magnificent garden, which we salute.
On a surface of 2000m² cultivated organically, the garden, in the heart of the medina, ensures its nourishing vocation thanks to the multitude of fruit trees; citrus fruits, vines, palm and olive trees, banana trees and others, a vegetable garden as well as medicinal plants. A henhouse also finds its place in this garden. Two swarms of wild bees play their natural role as pollinators and indicators of the health of this garden. Our guests also recycle bio-waste by making compost, which is highly appreciated by neighbours and other interested parties.
Everything is in harmony and all surfaces including roofs and terraces are integrated. An imposing and welldesigned green wall isolates this garden from its outside environment and creates an atmosphere of peace.
This nourishing garden has created a new ecosystem where several species of birds have found refuge. For two hours, our hosts and the sixteen participants from various disciplines (landscape gardener, architect, botanist, agronomist, practitioners, pedologist, horticulturist, etc.) explored this garden, sharing its history, vision, design, biodiversity, practices and future goals. In the hope of succeeding in cloning this wonderful experience among the neighbourhood and in other places in the city of Tunis, representatives of the Commune of Tunis joined us during this visit with enthusiasm.

A tribute to EdiCitNet project in the opening ceremony of the European researchers’ night Tunisia

A tribute was paid to the EdiCitNet project during the opening ceremony of the European researchers’ night named in Tunisia “Green Night” at the City of Sciences of Tunis, the 20 November 2020. This event was celebrated in the presence of the Tunisian ministers in charge of higher education and scientific research (MESRS), and in charge of education (ME). The Green Night is a Horizon 2020 project coordinated by the MESRS. This event offered an opportunity for a presentation of the objectives of the Edicitnet project by the representatives of REACT and Carthage to all participants. A trophy and a certificate were given to the municipality of Carthage for its commitment as partner to the EdiCitNet project. Carthage and REACT contributed also to the Green Night event through three e-activities entitled “Carthage Edible City”, “Movement towards an Edible City” and “EdiCitNet Project in Tunisia on 27 November 2020, for more information, please visit
