Was bietet der Marketplace Eurem Unternehmen oder Eurer Initiative?

Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass die urbane Landwirtschaft einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Förderung der lokalen resilienten Wirtschaft leistet und damit auch eine wichtige Rolle bei der Bewältigung aktueller Krisen spielt. Im Rahmen unseres EdiCitNet-Projekts bieten wir...

Get To Know The EdiCitNet Consulting Team

EdiCitNet Consulting Services Are you involved in an Edible City initiative and looking for FREE consulting services to further develop the financial sustainability model for your organization? You have come to the right place! Food production in urban areas is a...

What can the marketplace offer your business or initiative?

We believe that urban agriculture can greatly contribute to create more resilient and self-supporting local economies and thereby also play a vital role in the recovery from the current crisis. As a part of our EdiCitNet project, we are in the process of establishing...

The EdiCitNet Marketplace is a digital, common platform for entrepreneurs and initiatives creating solutions for urban food systems all across the globe. Our goal is to connect Edible City Solutions (ECS), entrepreneurs, institutions, NGOs and other third parties at the local, regional and global level to enable global knowledge sharing, scalability, replicability, and to create complimentary collaborations with other enterprises worldwide. 

What can the marketplace offer your business?

  • Collaborative networking: roundtables, working groups, and workshops curated based on your needs
  • Expertise: support from experts to develop your ECS products/services further
  • Promotion: a global platform to highlight your ECS services and products to find your target consumers and partners
  • Free business consultation: a tailor-made professional consulting service based on the maturity, position in value chain, needs, scalability, replicability of your business

Join our ECS community and let your idea grow

This platform enables knowledge sharing, partner search and the creation of local networks. Offer your products and services and be part of a growing edible cities movement.

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Learn more about the value chain of Edible City Solutions


Learn more about the process of setting up a successful ECS business in the GROWING JOBS IN AGRICULTURE PLAYBOOK.
