Nienke Bouwhuis and Philip Kuypers from Rotterdam’s network of green initiatives Groen010, took part in the City Makers’ congress in November together with members of the city administration. They held a workshop called “Green Connections”, where participants visualized all of the green spaces in the city and linked them up on a huge map of Rotterdam. By interpreting all those networks, they also discovered where missing links are and discussed how they could be closed up.
Members of Groen010 also got together to work on their communication strategy in November, meeting with a representative of London National Park City to discuss Groen010’s campaign to turn Rotterdam into a National Park City too. In December, the team also held another edition of their monthly “Green Cafe” events, where Rotterdamers are invited to join members of Groen010 to visit different green initiatives in the city.
Photos: Aad Hoogendoorn