What is EdiCitNet?
The Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet) wants to make cities around the world better places to live through the implementation and institutional integration of Edible City Solutions.
Edible City Solutions (ECS) are all forms of sustainable urban food production, distribution and use – from neighbourhood gardens, to urban beekeeping and sheep farming, green facades or high-tech indoor farming, cooking and dining events and the use of locally grown urban food in restaurants.
Edible City Solutions have the power to:
• make cities healthier, greener and more livable
• create new green businesses and jobs
• empower local communities to overcome social problems

Food is not only a popular topic of conversation – it is shared by everyone and connects us all.
The Edible Cities Network is not a normal research project. It’s an innovation action funded by the European Commission (EASME). That means we are working under real world conditions with real people, real challenges and real solutions. We are testing, demonstrating, piloting and transferring ECS in close cooperation with local people from the very beginning of the process, working together with them to improve the life in their cities.
The inclusive and participatory dynamics inherent in ECS engender both local economic growth and social cohesion by empowering communities to strengthen social ties through communal events and to create new green businesses and job opportunities revolving around urban food production, distribution and use. The systemic use of urban landscapes for food production is a major step towards more sustainable, livable and healthier cities.
Many initiatives around the world are taking steps to make their cities greener, healthier and more liveable. Are you involved in one of them? Click here to join the Edible Cities Network to connect with others and increase your impact!