Edible City Solutions for a better world!

On the 21st of April 2021 a non-public workshop was given for the members of the neighborhood management program in Berlin. During this half-day event, the participants increased their knowledge about climate change adaptation and mitigation measures through edible cities solutions. The aim of this workshop was to engage the participants in edible cities solutions and to decrease barriers for their implementation.

In the first part of the workshop, the innovation project EdiCitNet was introduced. After that, a presentation about the benefits of edible cities solutions for climate change adaptation was given. Three different presentations by the president of the allotment gardeners in Berlin, PRINZ and Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG) looked more closely at the practical implementation of edible cities solutions in Berlin.

In the end, different ideas for edible cities solutions and the next workshops were brainstormed in small groups.
